Get Rs.5 Meal At Anna Canteen, 203 New Anna Canteens Launched


The chief minister of Andhra Pradesh, Mr. N C Naidu has made some modification in the Anna Canteen Scheme under which people are offered food at price of Rs.5. If you are in Andhra Pradesh, you would want to know this good news. In this news, it is told that 203 new Anna Canteens are launched by the chief minister. This relaunch of scheme is a good news for people in AP.

Daily wage earners and poor people are helped by providing affordable meal by government under the Anna Canteen scheme.

CM Naidu, while relaunching the scheme at Gudivada, told that the scheme was inspired by late NT Rama Rao and Dokka Seethamma. This scheme will help people and to start, CM himself with his wife Naraji participated for a meal at a canteen.

All these new canteens shall be launched and start functioning before the end of September, he said. The total expenditure for maintaining the canteens is estimated to be ₹200 crore annually. CM Naidu also criticized the last government for discontinuing the scheme and told public of his commitment to simple and effective governance. He told that he will make this a permanent scheme in future.

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