You Can Make Money As Side Income As A Farmer in AP!


If you are a farmer in Andhra pradesh and want to make some extra money, you can do a lot of different works and make money. One of the ways that we are telling you is by sharing your expertise and farming journey with people online. You can start various channels on YouTube and Instagram to start making side income in Andhra Pradesh without leaving your home town. Here is how you can do that.

Share your farming journey in form of vlogging

The best way to make money these days online is by sharing vlogs. You can create easy videos of farming as you do it and then share them with people through platforms like Pinterest, Instagram, YouTube, Facebook etc. These social media networks help you gain a good number of followers and fans. They will then either pay you in form of donation or tips, or you can use alternate methods to earn side income while doing farming. We will tell you about those extra alternate methods too.

Seek sponsors to make money from your farming vlog

There are many online e-commerce brands that would love to promote their products or services through your farming channel. So you can, once you get some thousand followers, contact them for sponsorship. They will pay you money for posting about their product and then they will pay you for the promotion. This is a very popular way to make money online. This will definitely boost your income beside the farming income that you are earning.

Sell farming courses to make extra money

Farming is very popular in Andhra Pradesh. So if you have extensive understanding of farming basics, you can also sell farming courses or organize workshops to teach interested people about the proper way to cultivate crops or plants. You can teach them about fertilizers, manures, cropping and harvesting etc. This will help you make some extra income beside farming.

There are many other ways you can use to earn more money from farming than just selling crops. You can use the Internet to not only boost your income but to also find new followers who can help you grow through community. So that is a win-win!

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